Every time I see them, I just smile. I've used them as decor around my house--during the holidays, I filled them with monochromatic fruit such as apples and tangerines for a bright, cheerful look. It would look beautiful with pine cones or even monochromatic ornaments too. Still, it seemed a little boring and didn't really maximize the potential of the jars. Until I came across this:

Beautiful, isn't it! I looked around some more and found DIY instructions for creating my own set of apothecary jar terrariums on Apartment Therapy.
Of course a real terrarium won't be as neat as the first jar. It's going to be a little damp, a little humid, and a bit grainer with dirt. Like this:

It looks like each jar is filled with moss, pebbles, and a little dirt. With just the tiniest bit of moisture and plenty of sunlight, plans thrive in this closed environment. Isn't it beautiful? I have one terrarium in my bathroom already. Now if I can only convince the Husband to take down his Star Wars shrine in the library and replace it with these jars instead.