I love the layout of our house. Upon entering, you see a dining room to your right and a hallway that takes you into the great room. We're not sure what to do with the transitional hallway that links the two but right now, we have a console against the hallway wall. I am in love with these panel mirrors from Ballard Designs. They emulate windows and would make the hallway brighter and more expansive.

The only concern we have right now is where to store shoes. Asian people all remove shoes upon entering the house and we are no exception. We have shoe racks in the garage where we enter, but I don't want a cluster of shoes all over the entry way when we have guests. We have a tiled entry that is about 5 x 5 ft but there is no space to place a shoe rack. Also, since our dining room is right next to the entry, we don't want want shoes to be visible from the dining table. It's just not appetizing, ya know? Regular shoe racks seem so out of place. How can we conceal shoes but make it easily accessible to our guests so it'll actually be used?
We originally thought about placing wicker baskets under our entry media console a la pottery barn. We even measured different baskets to make that it'll fit!

The problem with that is people will probably not pull out the baskets to put their shoes in it. They will also have to plop their shoes on top of each other and it'll just look messy. I doubt the guys would care much but speaking as a gal, I wouldn't want my dainty shoes smushed by giant man shoes.
So what do we do?
The answer my friends, is blowing in the wind. IKEA of course!
We've seen these shoe holders at the IKEA store but wasn't sure if it'd fit right. I thought about it some more, went online, checked the measurements against our current console, and realized that it's just about the same dimensions! It is a few inches less in depth but it's still deep enough to provide a nice ledge for small decoratives.

At $99, it's a lot for shoe storage but we could probably use that in lieu of our current console. The unit holds at least 8 pairs of shoes. When our guests arrive, we could just tell them, "go ahead and place your shoes inside the console". Wouldn't that be perfect? We plan on getting a runner from the door to the dining room. That will keep the carpet clean because it'll outline a clear place for them to walk! Brilliant! Our entry way is long enough for us to even use two. What do you think?

There is another option that could work too. We could keep the current console and place this tower between the door and the dining room. It is available in white, black, or red. We'd probably use white because our baseboards and molding is white. It's 60 inches tall and fits perfectly in the space. The depth of 7 inches is just enough to place a small ivy plant or small framed pictures hung on the wall atop it. It would define our dining room and hallway a bit more too. This unit fits at least 6 pairs of shoes. Not bad, but I think we'd have more then 6 guests over at a given time. There is also a small open space for people to put hats or small umbrella, or even more decoratives.

I'm leaning more towards the 2x2 design. It has knobs instead of a fabric pull and just looks more polished. What do you think? Which one do you prefer more?