Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Beginning

I am a big fan of new beginnings so every time a new year rolls around, I feel refreshed and ready to take on the world! It still feels a bit unreal that we are already in 2011--I still remember how hazy and futuristic 2000 felt when I was in second grade (when I found out that I was c/o 2000 and had to draw our predictions for the new millennium). I thought we'd all be able to teleport by now and have robotic maids who spouted chocolate milk from their fingertips! (Oh wait, that was from some 80's movie that I can't recall the name of anymore).

Anyway...I thought so much would have changed by now, and while many many things have changed and far surpassed my wildest dreams, there are some things that have not changed. Well...I am not getting any younger (o ye fickle sands of time) and my bucket list hasn't even been created yet. For are some of my resolutions. What are yours?

1. Treat my body better (more sleep, more exercise, cleaner foods, less caffeine/sugar).
2. Treat my mind better (relax, think positively, learn to laugh at myself, be less anxious).

Ever since I started working, I found myself becoming more and more introverted. Most likely due to the nature of my job but I became so caught up in rules and propriety that I really became a stick-in-the-mud and forgot how to just have fun. That, along with every day worries just made me a really stressed person. Over the past year or so, hubby and I have made a serious effort to go out more with many different people because I know that I was missing that part in my life. It's funny...for many people, going out with friends is as natural as breathing but for me, I got so used to just hubby for company that I was seriously relearning how to become extroverted again!

I read an article recently (I believe it was in the NY Times) about how people are now leaning more towards cultivating relationships instead of cultivating money/status/prestige like in the earlier part of 2000. That seems like such a happier and simpler mindset. I have it so good--caring and loving family, great and supportive friends...this year, I resolve to do all of the above and hopefully, improve in those areas of my life.

Other, less lofty ambitious but much more practical resolutions include saving more money. I've got a watchful eye on my graduate loans and a plan to clear it within 2 years of graduating if all goes according to plan. In order to make sure I meet that plan, I must be more mindful of spending. I feel a bit guilty...over Christmas, I spotted and fell in love with a Burberry trench coat without knowing it was Burberry. In a moment of utter greed and WANT, I persuaded Hubby to buy it for me. It is too late to return it (and I really don't want to return it) so it is mine. How can I be so conflicted--on one hand, so happy...and on the other guilty? The sad thing about relying on things to be happy is there is always going to be something else on the list to acquire next. So yep...I must indeed learn otherwise.

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