Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fashion 101: Dressing like an Ivy League Sorority Girl

Yesterday night, while idly perusing my guilty pleasure site (celebrity gossip), I came across this hilarious, jaw-dropping, envy-inducing article. Basically, it was a six page fashion doctrine filled with a harsh commentary touting the evils of plastic and satin cocktail dresses for those weighing over 130lbs.

Poor grammar and Blair wannabe behavior aside, this girl is pretty on point with her fashion advice. Some of her mantras are plain common sense and rules that I used to follow when I was young and single living in Southern California. It has been many years hence since I've accessorized on a daily basis and I can't recall when I last spritzed on perfume. I suppose I should have been affronted by her attitude but instead, I thank her for reminding me that I need to take care of my appearance.

Inspired by these young early-twenty girlies, this morning, I spent a little extra time to make myself presentable.

* I wore a thin long sleeved stretch t-shirt underneath shorter cardigan. (Tops: check!)
* My jeans are of the straight variety (I don't pull off the skinny jean look well).
* Accessories include my diamond solitaire ring (I get !!! for that because she likes rings), a Tiffany pendant necklace, and pearl stud earrings.
*Make-up included sheer tinted moisturizer, subtle champagne and pink eyeshadow, blush, and sheer rosy lipstick. Light & fresh. Whaddyaknow...I do feel lighter & fresher.
*Shoes- though not Tory Burch, I'm sure my black leather Cole Haan slippers will suffice just fine in her book.
*Hygiene- Always clean hair anyway, but I blew it out and spritzed on perfume.

There! Now I should look like a Cornell Sorority Girl! Yay! The goal of my life has been accomplished!!

Actually, all joking aside, I DO actually feel better about myself today. I look like myself--the way I used to when I cared about things such as my appearance. If this article taught me anything (accessorizing aside), it is that I once took good care of myself and that should start doing it again. I spend so much effort decorating the house that I have forgotten to take care of myself. I didn't think I was old enough to have a dated style, but I do. It's a mid-2000 style rut. Times have changed and I need to catch the train back on to the present! Does this mean that I'm going to go out and purchase skinny jeans and ankle boots? Probably not. But I will look out for some longer flowy shirts ( the girl is so right about longer shirts) and some costume jewelry.

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