Sunday, October 24, 2010

A bit of Retail Therapy

Husband has been working very very hard for the past...5-6 years. Husband works full-time, comes home and works on his 'droid apps and then goes out shooting on weekends. Husband basically works around the clock. Why, Husband even pulls his share of chores around the house, including yucky stuff that I don't like to do, such as taking out the garbage!

Hubsters works this hard to provide for our little family and to make sure that I never go without. Hubby also never ever complains but just continues doggedly and solemnly onward with his steady march. I am so lucky to have Husband.

Today, we were both kind of restless and bored. There is always stuff to do around the house--more laundry, more dishes...and there is always work to be done...more sitting in front of the computer...more straining necks over books. Finally, around 5pm...we could not take it anymore. I suggested a trip to my favorite haunt, the local home decorator store and Hubby, ever easygoing, complied. Halfway down the street....I changed my mind: we didn't need any more decorations and we really should save the money. Then, Husband spoke, "Let us go to the mall."

Eh? Husband never wants to go shopping! I said, "nah..." but then Husband spoke again: "I just want to walk around....I really need to get out...just look...don't need to buy. Maybe look at ridiculously expensive clothing and than laugh."

Then I understood...although I think Husband looks good in anything, he barely purchased any clothing in the entire time I've known him. I know he appreciates style but he doesn't go out and buy new items for himself. I know it is because he is trying to save save save so I can have have have.

My poor wonderful husband., I insisted (with very little resistance on Husband's part) that we would shop just for him! And shop we did. We realized that Ben Sherman fits his physique well and we ended up with 3 new sweaters, 1 button-up top, and 1 short sleeved button-up top. Husband couldn't be happier and neither can I :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 23

I know I've skipped some days and we have since purchased items here and there. I'd say over the past 3 days, we've spent about $30 on groceries. Trying to do the DASH plan requires a lot more effort. October is almost over and it was a strange month...I think we'll continue to do the best we can and start anew in November.

This is one of the meals that I cooked for husband as part of the DASH plan. This is a pretty hearty meal. Let's see how the sodium breaks down:

1. Baked potato mashed with lowfat plain yogurt (85 mg) & chives, 1/4 c. shredded parmesan (320 mg), topped with sauteed onions and mushrooms. = 405mg of sodium
2. Steamed broccoli (with a bit from the 1.4 c. parmesan) = 0 mg of sodium
3. Chicken with just a tablespoon of homemade spicy teriyaki sauce = 700 estmated
Total: 1104 mg of sodium for dinner

The plan is to have no more than 15oo mg of sodium per day. I believe his lunch had around 500mg of sodium so all, in all, not bad!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 19

Last night I went out and bought 2 large potatoes, broccoli, onions, green onions, and garlic for a grand total of $5.75. I thought the onion-family produce would be necessary for flavoring since I am cutting most of our sodium intake in the attempt to reduce hubster's blood pressure. We've been on the DASH plan for a few days now and I am happy to report that hubby went in for a full physical today and is in apparent good health. His BP is on the higher side of normal but at least it is good! We'll still try to do DASH as much as possible to reduce it some more if possible but yay for good news! The labwork and everything else will come in later. Now I have to find time for a physical myself...this growing up and being an adult thing requires so much responsibility!

Total Spent: $.5.75

Monday, October 18, 2010

Days 14,15,16,17, 18

Oh this week is bad with the spending.

Day 14

Day 15
$1.50 (I bought coffee so I could get free parking at Starbucks rather than spend that on nothing to plug the meter).

Day 16
$23 (We went out to eat to celebrate Father-in-Law's birthday--this was our share).
$23 (yummy chocolate cake from Whole Foods for FIL's birthday)
Total: $46

Day 17
$5 (stuff to make cream cheese frosting atop red velvet cupcakes I made for friend's baby shower)

Day 18
Oh boy. We spent $97 today in groceries. Arrrgh! We purchased a lot of things that we don't usually get such as orange juice but we did so because it was necessary. Hubsters did one of those supermarket blood pressure cuffs and found out that he's on the high side. the effort to lower his blood pressure and prevent him from developing hypertension, we have drastically reduced the amount of sodium in our diets, increased potassium, and are making sure he'll get at least 8 hours of good sleep and 30 minutes of exercise each day. We are also following the DASH eating plan so I am working to make sure hubster's eats the correct amount each day. If all goes as plan and we are spartan with the routine, his blood pressure should go back to normal within a few weeks. I have a feeling that much of his recent blood pressure rise comes from the SoCal food binge + lack of sleep but in any case, Operation Healthy Hubby is in full swing!

This is what $97 worth of groceries gets you:

1. Nature's Shredded Wheats ($2.50/10mg sodium per serving)
2. Ocean Spray Cranberries (on sale...I think for $4.50/10mg sodium per serving)
3. Organic Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat Flour-2 qty ($4.49ea/0mg sodium)
4. Almond Milk ($3.50/150mg sodium per cup)
5. Florida's Orange Juice-2 qty ($2.50ea/0mg sodium)
6. 10lbs sweet potatoes- $6.69/negligble sodium)
7. White mushrooms- (forgot price-but high in potassium and hubby likes them)
8. 3lbs shredded parmesan cheese ($11/bag. It's a lot/it's salty, it's expensive but a little goes a long way. Since hubster's loves salty snacks, I am making home-made crackers with a controlled amount of salt/cheese with this. 320mg sodium per 1/4 cup)
9. 6 pack of organic pasta ($7.00. 0mg sodium)
10. 5lb bag baby carrots (forgot price.)
11. 3lbs bananas ($1.30)
12. Plain Yogurt- 2 qty ($1.69 ea/150-180mg sodium per serving. I accidentally grabbed 2 plain..I meant to grab one vanilla haha. Instead I grabbed one non-fat and one low-fat plain, hence the difference in sodium levels.)
13. 4-pack laughing cow cheese ($8.00/80mg sodium)
14. Green Tea ($1.50)
15. Black organic grapes ($1.50/lb.)
16. Fresh mozzarella cheese ($6.50/80mg sodium per ounce)
Total Spent on Groceries: $97 (Costco and Health food store groceries)

As you can see, we got a lot of dairy haha. As part of the DASH plan, hubby needs 3-4 servings of dairy a day and about 10 servings of fruit & vegetables combined per day. The other stuff such as grains & protein are easier to meet. I have to make sure that hubby doesn't eat less than 2000 calories a day but it is so easy to fill up with fruits and vegetables! To make sure he meets his quota, I got a bunch of stuff to make him more nutrient-dense meals hehe. I also don't want him to feel deprived or feel sad & stressed over this (stress raises BP) so I'm doing my best not to disrupt our usual eating habits. Anyway...I guess October's Experiment should also include "Reduce Blood Pressure".

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 13

What a beautiful world! I kept watch as the news updated with more Chilean miners being rescued as the day went on. As of this time, every one is safely out, including the rescue workers! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip horray!

In honor of this wonderful miraculous day, we are making chili for tomorrow's lunch. (Get it...chili? har. har.)

Today we spent $5 on food for me because I was stuck at school the entire day. I didn't get home until 10:30pm and I didn't pack dinner because I originally planned to come home midday. With last minute requests/deadlines tonight, I had to stay the entire time so I grabbed lunch at school. Hubby fended for himself once again with random salad, chickpeas, and oatmeal.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 12

Still reeling from the past week's eating indulgences. We still have a bunch of pastries left as well but I am considering freezing them for later. Too rich and fatty to eat so much of it!

Breakfast & lunch for the hubsters: 2 pastries & oatmeal & an apple.
Breakfast & lunch for m: 2 apples, 12 almonds, and 2 pastries.
Dinner: husband fended for himself---some sort of soup noodle with seafood. (ack! More cholesterol!) while I stir fried some Chinese celery & chicken. More pastries. Another apple. So unhealthy.

On a side note--hubster's co-worker sent out an email with home pastured chicken eggs for sale. $4 for 18 eggs. I had hubsters buy 2 cartons for a total of $8. Yay for truly free ranged eggs! I wonder what their shelf life is and whether they are fertilized. Hopefully a baby chick won't pop out onto my frying pan someday...

Total Cost of Food: $8 for 36 eggies.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Whirlwind 7,8,9,10,11

We just got back after a long weekend wedding trip after a delayed flight and all that jazz. I don't have much time/energy to post up pictures so I will just itemize our daily food expenses:

Dinner/Total: $43 (4 ppl)

Breakfast: $9
Lunch $7
Dinner: $75 (5 ppl, we treated)
Stupidity: $55 (parking ticket for being 15 minutes late to plug the meter. GRAH! Who checks the meter at 9:45pm at night?)
Total: $146

Breakfast/snack: $20 (for 5 ppl, we treated)
Shaved Ice/snacks: $25
$1.50: bottled water
Dinner: $25
Total: $70.50

Dimsum: $23
Parking: $7
Bouchon macarons: $10.88 (gift to thank friend for letting us stay with them)
Total: $41

Baked Goods x 3 boxes: $34
Starbucks: $4.30
Tip: $1 (airport gave us vouchers for lunch but we needed to tip with cash)
Groceries upon coming home: $17.74 (apples, kefir, onion)
Total: $58.04

Total Food: $425.34
Misc: $34(hair cut for 2 of us) $40 (gas-friend lent us her car) $37 (1 day rental car + gas)= $111.00
Grand Total: $535.34

Well there you have it. In the last 5 days, we spent more than we did in the entire month of October for food/going out. (Serious fist shake at the parking meter demons!)For the rest of the month (nay, the rest of the year), we must save save save save save!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 6

Breakfast & lunch & dinner were odds and ends and leftovers. We are trying to eat all the perishables before we go on vacation. This is what we ate to round out the edges: crispy devil eggs over greens with green goddess dressing on the side.

Total cost spent: $0

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 5

No pictures today, sorry. Breakfast was oatmeal, once again. Hubsters had leftover shi zi tou, broccoli, and brown rice for lunch while I had two apples and string cheese. Luckily I ate lightly during the day because we had a heavy Chinese dinner. Hubsters has lost weight lately--his wedding band is loose now. I don't know what I am doing wrong...he gets his three square meals a day but he's losing weight. It's not that he doesn't like to fact...he's a little piggy but his eyes are bigger than his stomach. was a crazy busy day. I am glad to be home now. I'm feeling a wee under the weather too so I need to rest up before my crazy week ramps up again. Hubsters went to the store to pick up some juice for me and some flour (because I am out and need to revive my sourdough starter).

Total Cost of food: $11.88

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 4

Breakfast: I forgot to soak the oatmeal last night so we didn't have oatmeal for breakfast today. Instead, I had an apple and some black coffee. Hubsters fended for himself--luckily, his work has a ready-stocked pantry and fridge.

Lunch: Hubsters had a hearty lunch of lasagna, green beans, and an apple. I am trying to eat lightly before our LA trip so I had steamed broccoli, peanut butter, and another apple.

Dinner: So tired tonight and too hungry to wait for dinner to cook...I had shirataki noodles with an egg while hubsters had ramyun with an egg. We also ate some leftover stir-fried chives and seafood. After dinner, I made some Lion Head Meatballs for lunch/dinner tomorrow. This was made from ground beef we already had in the fridge, home-made chicken stock, and that giant head of napa cabbage that mother-in-law gave us yesterday.

When I brought this to show the hubsters, he said, "oh! cute! Is that a kitty cat?"
Me: ...
Hubsters: OH! hahahahaha! It's a si zhi tou! I get it now."
Me: *sigh

Total Cost: $0
Estimated Cost: too tired? Can I beg off on this estimated cost thing from now on?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 3

For breakfast, I made homemade cinnamon rolls. They were way too good for my own good because I ate two without even realizing it. I quickly gave the rest away so I would not be tempted haha. I did walk/run 2 miles up a steep hill today though so I guess I broke even.
Lunch was leftover lasagna and dinner was Sunday dinner with the in-laws.

Sunday dinners are great--I totally make off like a bandit each time. This week, my sister-in-law gave me about 2lbs of heirloom tomatos. (score!) Mother-in-law is going on a trip tomorrow and she needed to clear out her fridge so she gave me a giant napa cabbage, a head of organic broccoli, and some Chinese celery. (sweet!) I steamed the broccoli for my lunch tomorrow--it took a while to pick off the aphids (yuck!) but I guess I'd rather eat an occasional bug than to eat toxic chemicals.

After dinner, hubsters and I went grocery shopping to replenish our fridge/pantry. I've used up most of our flour but perhaps I should ease off on the wheat for a while. Too much of anything isn't healthy. We've spent more over the past 3 days than we did during the entire first week of September so we're not off to a very good start. However, it really isn't fair to assess what our monthly expense will be so early in the game. Who knows...maybe we shall make up for it in the ensuing weeks to come. Anyway...this is what $11.43 will get you in terms of groceries:

1 giant organic avocado: $2 (hubsters really wanted more green goddess salad)
1/2 cup organic flaxseed: $.38
2 dozen cage-free, vegetarian fed eggs: $1.99/ea
Heirloom apples: $4.98 for about 3.5lbs of apples.

Total Cost of Food: $11.34 (for groceries)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October Day 2

Hubsters had an early client meeting today and I had work to catch up on so we didn't go out today except for a short 2mile run/hike. For breakfast, I had oatmeal while hubsters fended for himself and emerged with a vitamin. Hrm.

Lunch was better: Husband made stir-fried green beans, leftover galbi, and some leftover rice and soy sauce chicken for lunch. I ate random stuff here and there including beef jerky (from Mother-in-law), coffee, and peanut butter. Oh so bad.

During our run today, we smelled the wonderful aroma of stew emanating from a house as we passed by...husband picked up the rich scent of tomatoes, spices, meat, and garlic. By the time we got home, husband was craving something Italian. Although he wanted pizza, I didn't have any leftover dough. Luckily, our pantry revealed one last jar of spaghetti sauce--our back up emergency pasta sauce--and I was able to make lasagna for dinner.

We used our leftover fresh mozzarella cheese and fresh zucchini from our garden. I sliced the zucchini into long thin strips and salted them to remove excess water. Add to that a simple green salad and we had dinner! So simple but so good! The best part is that there is plenty for leftovers tomorrow. We. are. set.

It is such a shame that this year's growing season is so poor. Despite dropping $300 in supplies for our garden, we didn't even come close to recouping our expenditure. I have 5 tomato plants and I don't even have enough to make one batch of fresh marinara sauce. Last year, my mom's single plant was prolific enough to yield 5 quarts of tomato sauce! I shall try again next summer and hope for the best.

Total Cost of Food: $0
Estimated Cost of Food: $2 (spaghetti sauce) + 3.25 (cheese) + $1 (lasagna) = $6.25

Tonight, I have a batch of pizza dough rising on the counter, ready to be frozen for another meal on another day. I'm also considering making a batch of cinnamon rolls hehe. It's so needlessly decadent but oh so good. Hubster's has a shoot tomorrow so it would be nice to prep some breakfast for him. Alright...rolls it is!

Conclusion of the 30 Day Social Experiment

I cannot believe it has been 30 days since we embarked upon this experiment. I really wanted to spend $0 but we quickly learned that there really are certain staples that must be around in order for us to be healthy. Fruits, vegetables, and yogurt are things that we must have on a regular basis. On the other hand, I was really happy to see that buying healthy meat doesn't really impact our budget as much as I thought it would. We have made the switch to free range, hormone/antibiotic-free meat when eating at home and we feel like we are better stewards of the earth and our bodies because of it. Yes, there were times when one of us was like, "Darn, I really want a Vietnamese sandwich!" or "doesn't Japanese ramen sound really good right now?" but we sucked it up and ate at home instead.

Anyway...I tracked our daily expenses on a handy dandy spreadsheet. The first column ("Total Cost") tracked how much we actually spent this month where as the second column ("Est. Cost/2pp") tracked how much our meals cost per day.

As you can see, we spent $353.49 in total last month. That figure includes the $130.00 we spent to take hubby's family out to dinner to celebrate hubby's promotion. The $66.76 also includes the 3 locally raised organic free-range, corn-free, hormone & anti-biotic free chickens that we purchased from the farmer's market. We haven't touched the chickens yet because I still have other previously processed chicken in the freezer. Eventually, I will process these whole chickens into smaller pieces too. That should keep us happy in the meat department for next month!

As for the actual cost of the food we consumed...that figure is much lower. We consumed an estimated $238.63 last month. That figure includes the $130.00 family dinner so a more accurate number is $108.63, give or take some.

Either way...I feel like this experiment really opened our eyes to what healthy and affordable meals really are. Often, I hear people say that eating organically or healthily is too cost-prohibitive but now I know that this isn't really true. This month (October) will be a financially difficult month for us due to more car woes and traveling. I'm glad we are used to living more frugally now because it'll make getting through October much easier. We are going to keep going with this "social experiment" because now, it is more like a lifestyle change. day.

Day 1 of October

Lunch: Husband spent $15.00 on lunch (BBQ Bacon cheeseburger + tip) with his co-worker and former boss. This former boss has been hubster's career mentor so of course he had to go. I spent $0 on food because I had leftovers but I spent $4 on parking because I could not find free parking near work today.

Dinner: We went out for the first time in a month because my sister was in town. We were lucky to have made it in time for late-night happy hour. Hubby and I spent $20 after tip for 1 cranberry juice, 1 beer, a chicken pot-pie, and a beef shepherd's pie. Not the past, that would have been our "frugal" option. Now, however, I can't help but think..Dayam! $20! I could buy a whole week's worth of groceries with that!

Total Spent Today: $15+$4+20= $39.