We are low on fresh veggies so we stopped by Costco on the way home from work tonight. Again, it is not a good idea to shop when hungry but we didn't do too poorly. We got a a 6-pack of lettuce and some fresh mozzarella cheese. Hubster's wanted pizza for dinner but I balked at paying $10 for a mergherita pizza when we had all the requisite ingredients to make it ourselves at home. I got home, defrosted some pre-made pizza dough, opened a can of tomato sauce and made the pizza sauce. It took maybe an hour from start to finish. Maybe it wasn't one of my most efficient (or come to think of it, cost saving) experiments but I'm pretty happy with the results. We spent about $9.50 today at Costco...although the cheese cost $6.99, we still have 1.5 logs left...plenty for caprese salad, pizza, and other random goodies over the next few days. Hopefully it'll stay fresh in the fridge to last that long!

Although pizza is great for leftovers, husband finished 2/3s of it all by himself so there isn't any left haha.
Total Cost of food: $9.50
Estimated Cost of food: $3 (cheese) + $.50 (canned tomatoes for pizza sauce) = $3.50
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