Friday, September 10, 2010

Dream Haven

Hubby and I became homeowners last year just as the housing market sank in a free-for-all. Due to the current housing situation, we probably cannot move out for a couple of years unless we do a lateral move. I love our house, our neighbors, and the things/amenities in our area so I'm happy with where we are. The only downside is that we live about 30 minutes away from the city center. It is a trade-off though--the closer in to the city we live, the less we can afford in terms of a house and neighborhood. Our future will change drastically in another year--so we'll reassess our 5 year plan at that point.

Once in a while, I check our house value online even though it is completely pointless. Sometimes, just as a dream, I look up houses in our ideal neighborhood. May I just say that the property taxes in the city are REDONKULOUS? Yet another good reason to live in the 'burbs. We can actually afford to retire there! can dream. Although not pictured, there is also a separate office/building too!

Might I just add how much I adore this side patio! Imagine the parties we could have out there! So elegant. So dreamy. Le sigh.

The house is actually not expensive for what it is but the property taxes are killer. Property taxes are nearly $15,000 a year and it is an expense that will likely increase in the future. Still, I adore older homes. This one was built in 1928. It looks like it must have had a lot of fun during its times. If walls could talk, I wonder what stories it has to tell.

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