Lunch: I had 3 Vietnamese style spring rolls (filled with lettuce and leftover soy sauce chicken) and an apple while the hubsters had brown rice, chicken, and stir-fried zucchini along with an apple.
Dinner was kick@ss. Our friends invited us to dinner at their place and they spoiled us with Korean bbq, salad, and stir-fried veggies. Dinner + good company + Glee = happy.

The only negative to yesterday is that our car started making grinding/grumbling sensations as we drove to their house and we noticed a strong gas odor. We stopped the car for a few minutes and restarted--it seemed fine--but a minute or two later, the sensation started again. We were almost to their house by then so we continued on our way. After dinner, Big J took our car for a quick spin and diagnosed a possible problem with the alternator. We then drove home only to have the car shake more and the smell of gas became so strong that we (meaning I) was afraid of a potential explosion so we parked in a supermarket and got Big J to drive us home., we're going to take the car in to the body shop. We already spent $600 fixing the car last month...and now we will have to spend God knows how much to fix this problem. The car is only worth $1500ish right now. At some point, we really should just sell it instead of throwing more money at it. If we can fix it for <$300, we'll go ahead and do it. The car is on it's last leg anyway...if it can survive for another 2 years on $300, we'll keep it. In two years, we will be better equipped to figure out what kind of car we need next.
Anyway....we saved a lot this month but we'll probably need to spend a lot too. And that's the way the world goes around.
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