Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 3

For breakfast, I made homemade cinnamon rolls. They were way too good for my own good because I ate two without even realizing it. I quickly gave the rest away so I would not be tempted haha. I did walk/run 2 miles up a steep hill today though so I guess I broke even.
Lunch was leftover lasagna and dinner was Sunday dinner with the in-laws.

Sunday dinners are great--I totally make off like a bandit each time. This week, my sister-in-law gave me about 2lbs of heirloom tomatos. (score!) Mother-in-law is going on a trip tomorrow and she needed to clear out her fridge so she gave me a giant napa cabbage, a head of organic broccoli, and some Chinese celery. (sweet!) I steamed the broccoli for my lunch tomorrow--it took a while to pick off the aphids (yuck!) but I guess I'd rather eat an occasional bug than to eat toxic chemicals.

After dinner, hubsters and I went grocery shopping to replenish our fridge/pantry. I've used up most of our flour but perhaps I should ease off on the wheat for a while. Too much of anything isn't healthy. We've spent more over the past 3 days than we did during the entire first week of September so we're not off to a very good start. However, it really isn't fair to assess what our monthly expense will be so early in the game. Who knows...maybe we shall make up for it in the ensuing weeks to come. Anyway...this is what $11.43 will get you in terms of groceries:

1 giant organic avocado: $2 (hubsters really wanted more green goddess salad)
1/2 cup organic flaxseed: $.38
2 dozen cage-free, vegetarian fed eggs: $1.99/ea
Heirloom apples: $4.98 for about 3.5lbs of apples.

Total Cost of Food: $11.34 (for groceries)

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